Where and How Do You Think LA Should Be Capturing Rainwater? Tell Us!

Last month, we blogged about our partnership with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to create the first-ever Stormwater Capture Master Plan and the public meeting we co-hosted to get input on the plan from Angelinos. We hope many of you were able to attend the meeting, but, for those of you who couldn’t,…

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NBC Covers TreePeople Drought Response Forum

It’s rare that a short news story can give the big picture, but NBC 4 did just that last night on the 6 o’clock news. (Click here to watch the whole segment.) The NBC news team started at City Hall yesterday morning, where TreePeople hosted the forum: In Case of Emergency, Plant Trees, which brought…

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When Is the Best Time to Plant a Tree in LA?

As the Forestry Projects Senior Manager at TreePeople,  I have the privilege to see firsthand the changes that tree planting and tree care events make in the lives of volunteer participants. I love watching the joy that comes over them when they step back and see the difference they’ve made.  Over time, they realize that…

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Pacoima Fruit Tree Festival Success: 800 Fruit Trees Distributed

While we were thrilled about the recent rainfall, we must admit we were a little nervous about how it would impact last Saturday’s fruit tree distribution festival at Roger Jessup Park in Pacoima. We needn’t have worried. Enthusiasm and dedication trumped the grey skies: we distributed more than 800 bare-root trees to local residents and…

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Hope For Sale! (And It’s Absolutely FREE)

This past Saturday we hosted another of our Community Sustainability Workshops and got a standing-room-only crowd – maybe it’s the drought? Maybe it’s just that there are a lot of cool, in-the-know people? Or maybe it’s actually because we sell hope. (Okay, we don’t sell it. We give it away for free!) Yes, it’s the driest winter…

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We Need You: Outreach Volunteers Make TreePeople Possible

Last week, Peter Weiss, one of our awesome Outreach Volunteers, and I represented TreePeople at the Pacoima Forward Community Fair at Hadden Elementary School. The event was lovely; lots of folks from the school community and the surrounding neighborhood attended. People were really enthusiastic about becoming TreePeople volunteers and signing up for our classes on…

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Build Your Business Team While Making LA Green

Our greatest strength as an organization is our incredible volunteers. We are lucky to have so many people who love to help and want to do more. An exciting way that TreePeople is able to get more folks involved is through our corporate volunteering program. Our corporate volunteering program was introduced with the goal of…

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Why 57 Million Monarchs Matter

In case you missed it in The New York Times, “This year, for the first time in memory, the monarch butterflies didn’t come, at least not on the Day of the Dead. They began to straggle in a week later than usual, in record-low numbers. Last year’s low of 60 million now seems great compared…

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