ForestAid Helps Angeles National Forest Survive the Drought

At 18 events throughout the spring of 2013, more than a thousand volunteers planted nearly 10,000 seedlings in the Angeles National Forest, all around the Chilao campground. It was all part of the ForestAid: Angeles program, a joint effort of the Forest Service and TreePeople to lead reforestation efforts after the 2009 Station Fire that burned…

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Thirsty Thursday Quenches the Drought AND Your Thirst

“Trees need people, people need trees” – if you’ve ever worked with TreePeople, you know the rhythmic lilt of that chant as well as you know the story of the 15-year-old boy who tore up a parking lot with his bare hands to plant a grove of trees (so the legend goes) and started the…

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TreePeople Needs YOUR Vote for a More Livable Future!

Recently, LA2050 asked a provocative question: how would YOU use $100,000 to make Los Angeles the healthiest place to live? It’s a great question, and we have our answer: TreeMapLA. By continuing to build TreeMapLA as a simple, powerful, and user-friendly tool, we will enable residents of Los Angeles County to use the map to become…

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Intern Spotlight: Rachael Tice

This summer, as the sun began scorching the dry Los Angeles area, TreePeople and local high school kids joined together to rescue some very vulnerable young trees, and I got to be a part of it. I was fortunate enough to lead 2 dedicated groups of upcoming seniors who made my job fun and easy. Both…

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Water For Us All!

“We have enough water to live on, but not enough to waste.” — Dorothy Green, founding president of Heal the Bay. Dorothy Green wrote these words in an article that was published in the LA Times in 2008, shortly before her death. In it, she outlines an incredibly thoughtful set of recommendations that would create…

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Intern Spotlight: Jazmine Saucedo

My name is Jazmine Saucedo, and I am TreePeople. Working with Jack London Continuation High School students through TreePeople’s Youth Summer Tree Care Project has definitely been the highlight of my summer. As a Summer Tree Care Intern, I encouraged and motivated students of underserved areas to care for their environment. This internship provided me…

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Intern Spotlight: Elise Cabato

My name is Elise Cabato and I Am TreePeople. I am currently a Youth Leadership Summer Tree Care Intern this summer for TreePeople. Before my internship I was just an incoming senior at UCLA studying Geography & Environmental Studies trying to get almost anything to build my resume before being thrown out into the real…

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Greening Campuses and Cultivating Learners in Compton

TreePeople has long believed in greening educational spaces: access to green space gives students a place to play and develop creative problem solving skills. Plus, research has shown a strong correlation between access to nature and better cognitive function, self-discipline, and impulse control, and suggests that greener campuses may help improve student attention spans. And at the…

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Volunteer Celebration 2014

About a week ago, we hosted our annual Volunteer Celebration. This was a special opportunity for our highly dedicated volunteers to gather in a casual environment and get to know one another a bit better. We realize that it can be tough for staff and volunteers to get to know one another at forestry events,…

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Getting Drought Smart: The Drought Solutions Tour as Inspiration

Native plant species, rain chains, drip irrigation – and what on Earth is decomposed granite? In my quest for more information on the drought Los Angeles is facing and what I can do at home to cut water usage, I looked to TreePeople’s Drought Solutions Tour and Native Plant Walk, which is one of many…

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How to Kill Your Lawn

Things are dry out there. Drought conditions are currently battering California and our changing climate only further puts us at risk when it comes to water security. Across the state, an average of 50% of residential water use goes towards landscaping, killing your lawn and replacing that non-functional turf with native plants is one of…

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