
The Healing Power of Trees

Written by Carissa Donahoo, Public/Mental Health Organizer Did you know trees and nature have the power to heal us from head to toe? That is why it is always important —  especially now —  that we get outside and explore our urban forests, or just our backyards, patios, or even just looking out a window….

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El Poder Curativo de Los Árboles

¿Sabías que los árboles y la naturaleza tienen el poder de curarnos de pies a cabeza? Es por eso que es importante — especialmente ahora — que salgamos y exploremos nuestros bosques urbanos, nuestros patios traseros, patios, o incluso simplemente mirar por la ventana. Estas son algunas de las formas en que la naturaleza en su…

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Meet a TreePerson: Miguel Vargas, Community Organizer

Hey Treeps! We’re all TreePeople — some of us just happen to work here.  And we want to get to know each and every TreePerson out there, so we thought we’d start by introducing ourselves.  We’re starting our Meet a TreePerson series! Twice a week, we’ll interview a staff member so we can all get to…

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Conoce a un TreePerson: Miguel Vargas, Organizador Comunitario

¡Hola! Todos somos TreePeople — algunos nada mas trabajamos aquí. Y queremos conocer a cada una de estas personas. Entonces nosotros pensamos en comenzar con presentarnos.  ¡Vamos a comenzar nuestra serie de Conoce a un TreePerson! ¡Dos veces a la semana entrevistaremos a un miembro del personal para que todos nos conozcamos un poco mejor! Nuestro…

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5 Ways to Keep Kids Busy at Home!

As TreePeople develops its own ways of bringing our award-winning educational programs to your living rooms, we’ve put together a list of five activities for you and your kiddos! All of those who are social distancing with school children are probably starting to see why teachers deserve our deep appreciation and respect for everything they…

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A COVID-19-Safe Eco Book Club Starter Kit!

In the wake of COVID-19, we are all sitting at home wondering how in the world we are going to keep busy while being responsible and socially isolating ourselves.  Well, do we have a solution for you!   Our staff loves reading about trees and the environment (obviously). Most of you out there can admire the…

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Trees Need People… But Do People Need Trees?

We know that trees are good for the earth – their roots support soil and prevent erosion, their canopies provide homes for countless bugs and animals, and they uphold entire ecosystems across the planet.  What we also know, and are telling the world about, is that they are also good for people. Our relationship with…

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Students Tell Us About Their Favorite Trees!

We reached out to the TreePeople community in search of stories that remind us what it means to feel connected with the trees around us. We were not disappointed with the amazing responses we received! Those included a group of 4th to 8th graders at Manzanita School in Topanga. We loved these stories so much…

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