Big News: Once Upon a Canyon Night is BACK!

  Summer is here! If you’re scrambling to schedule plans to keep your kids entertained, or to welcome family visiting from out of town—don’t fret! TreePeople and the Actors Conservatory Ensemble are excited to announce the return of “Once Upon A Canyon Night”! The summer entertainment series, returning for its 13th year, is nestled in the…

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I Am Tree People: Art Salter

If you saw Art Salter at TreePeople’s Yurt Village, you might assume he was a celebrity. Not a minute passed without someone stopping to shake his hand, or wave from across the offices. It was clear that he has made a significant impact on his city. It makes sense: Art has been volunteering here for…

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New Technology Helps Young Trees Take Root in the Angeles

In the midst of this ongoing drought, it may seem daunting to plant new seedlings—especially in regions that have been devastated by fire. Fortunately, new technology out of the Netherlands might be the solution to our changing climate and drought-stressed forests. It’s called the Land Life Cocoon, a product of Land Life Company, and it’s…

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Student Hacktivists Create Watershed Solutions for LA Schools

This May, students from diverse communities across LA County gathered at Walt Disney Studios to participate in Generation Earth’s Streets to the Sea Challenge. The top performing teams had the opportunity to experience forward-thinking presentations on sustainability, as well as present their solutions to a panel of judges.   Generation Earth, an environmental education program…

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How Can Just 100,000 Trees Save LA Nearly $4 Million?

Have you heard of TreeMapLA? If you’re unfamiliar, TreeMapLA is an app you can download that’s a public inventory and education tool allowing users to interact with their environment in a new way. Users “map” a tree by entering its location, species, and size to create an interactive map of our urban forest and its…

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Ramas vivas y Muertas

Es importante inspector las ramas de su árbol, porque con solo mirarlos, no se puede saber si una rama está vivo o muerto. Siempre se pueden quitar ramas muertas, pero quitando una rama sana puede tener un efecto adverso. ¿Sabes cómo identificar cuales ramas necesitan poda? Mira este video para aprender! ¿Quieres aprender más? Visite…

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5 Reasons to Celebrate Biodiversity Day

The United Nations has named May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity! But why does biodiversity matter, and what does it mean for you? At the highest level, biodiversity refers to all the different species on planet Earth. But on a much smaller scale, you could study the biodiversity within a local ecosystem, like…

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Student Eco Club Greens Campus

Did you know green space is essential to a healthy childhood? In fact, studies have proven that students with regular access to green spaces are on average happier, more focused, physically fit and have higher levels of self-esteem. We’re big believers that trees can heal, which is why we brought nearly 50 volunteers together on…

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How to Have Fun & Make A Difference As A Volunteer Supervisor

Did you know we host volunteer opportunities nearly every weekend? Our events bring thousands of people together to lend a hand in our local forests to heal our mountains, dig in at city parks, chip in to green LA’s schools and help beautify and maintain our own Coldwater Canyon Park every year. Together we are a powerful…

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Integrated Water Management: A Framework for Collaborative Governance

Increasing Agency Collaboration for a Better Water Future For the past two decades, TreePeople has been advocating for Los Angeles’ watersheds to be managed in a more integrated way. Our recent report, Moving Towards Collaboration: A New Vision for Water Management, lays out a path to achieve this and overcome common barriers to implementation. After…

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I Am TreePeople: Janie Thompson

Without the hard work of community, we couldn’t do what we do. This month, we’re spotlighting a volunteer whose love of trees lead her to water. Meet Janie Thompson, TreePeople Citizen Arborist and advocate for water conservation, whose home has been called a model of water conservation practices by LA Councilmember Paul Koretz and the…

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On the Horizon: Collaborative Solutions to LA’s Water Crises

TreePeople Releases Two Promising New Reports This historic drought is driving a thirst for solutions, and government agencies are responding with an openness to work together as never before. Over the past year, TreePeople has facilitated an exciting exploration of “collaborative governance” among agencies for innovative water management in the Los Angeles region. Our partners…

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