Drought Response Webinar with Andy Lipkis

On February 22, TreePeople’s Founder and President Andy Lipkis recorded a webinar on California’s current drought. TreePeople is on the front lines working with government agencies and utilities to produce a coordinated response to rapidly, smartly, and effectively solve the region’s short and long term water crises. We want you to get the inside story…

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Become a Volunteer Tree Mapper – Unite with TreePeople!

TreeMapLA, brought to you by TreePeople, is a powerful new tool to help residents grow LA’s urban forest. This ambitious effort aims to involve Angelenos of all ages in mapping every tree in Greater Los Angeles. On the website, it’s easy to enter every tree’s location, species, and current size as well as update its…

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Angeles Restoration Campaign Update

We’re seeing so many repercussions from 2013’s record dry year, and now that Governor Brown has declared a state-wide drought, cities, counties and government agencies are making decisions about how to reduce water use. But we’ve known for a long time that we need to drastically reduce the amount of water imported into the Los…

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Watts Neighborhood Kids Share Fruit Trees with Their Community

Nearly thirty students in the Watts neighborhood of South Los Angeles rose at 7 AM last Saturday to spend the day at their high school Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy, or Simon Tech, as everyone seems to call it. If you know teenagers, this fact alone is remarkable. But it gets even better….

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Plant Some Love and Trees This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just 7 days away and even though store shelves have been overflowing with candy hearts for weeks already, we’re willing to bet you still haven’t given much thought to your Feast of Saint Valentine shopping list. And while we’d never suggest you forgo that box of chocolate, why not do something a…

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Hope For Sale! (And It’s Absolutely FREE)

This past Saturday we hosted another of our Community Sustainability Workshops and got a standing-room-only crowd – maybe it’s the drought? Maybe it’s just that there are a lot of cool, in-the-know people? Or maybe it’s actually because we sell hope. (Okay, we don’t sell it. We give it away for free!) Yes, it’s the driest winter…

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California Drought: Survive and Thrive with TreePeople Solutions

Part of our mission here at TreePeople is to be a source of practical information and solutions that can help keep every Angeleno safe and healthy, especially in times of extreme weather and natural forces such as the current drought emergency. Even in the face of projected hotter and more erratic weather patterns, we can still move…

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We Need You: Outreach Volunteers Make TreePeople Possible

Last week, Peter Weiss, one of our awesome Outreach Volunteers, and I represented TreePeople at the Pacoima Forward Community Fair at Hadden Elementary School. The event was lovely; lots of folks from the school community and the surrounding neighborhood attended. People were really enthusiastic about becoming TreePeople volunteers and signing up for our classes on…

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How to Water Our Trees During the Drought

We live in a beautiful Mediterranean climate. Southern California is actually one of only five regions in the world with this climate – cool, wet winters and warm to hot, dry summers. But of those five, ours is the driest. Fortunately, our native plants have evolved to thrive here; they expect to get their moisture for the…

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Build Your Business Team While Making LA Green

Our greatest strength as an organization is our incredible volunteers. We are lucky to have so many people who love to help and want to do more. An exciting way that TreePeople is able to get more folks involved is through our corporate volunteering program. Our corporate volunteering program was introduced with the goal of…

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Trees save our very lives. Literally.

This fact inspired me to write an article for The Jewish Journal in honor of Tu b’Shevat, the Jewish New Year or Birthday of the Trees. For decades, students at Jewish schools and schools throughout Los Angeles County have planted seedlings with TreePeople to celebrate this holiday. But these days, tree planting has become much…

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