4 Ways To Care for LA Trees This Earth Month

Happy Earth Month, fellow tree people! A greener LA is always on our mind, but this month especially we’re thinking about the love we give to our urban forest. Climate change and a record drought mean that trees are stressed, and keeping LA green and sustainable is more important than ever. We rely on volunteers…

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I Am TreePeople: Merrill Koss

It’s not every day someone joins us and instantly connects with our staff and community, but when they do, we take notice! Meet Merrill Koss, this month’s featured volunteer. Discovering TreePeople Merrill started volunteering with us in November 2014, after discovering one of our flyers in one of his favorite places to hike: Coldwater Canyon…

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Mayor Eric Garcetti Unveils Comprehensive Sustainability pLAn for City of LA

This month, Mayor Eric Garcetti proposed a comprehensive, multifaceted sustainability plan for the City of Los Angeles. The plan (pLAn) includes a wide span of measurable actions the City hopes to reach by 2035 with a special focus on the environment with an emphasis on water, solar energy, carbon and climate change leadership and waste;…

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Save Our Concrete: A Gag For A Good Cause by Director David Zucker

Released on April 1st as both an April Fool’s Day joke and as a kickoff to Earth Month, TreePeople’s new video campaign, Save Our Concrete, is full of gags (like a nod to the Tiananmen Square tank man), and features TreePeople volunteers as faux protestors. “Sometimes a large corporation must plant a tree,” says the…

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Yes, We Can Save Water (and Save Trees)

Yesterday California Governor Jerry Brown issued the first mandatory water restrictions in response to our state’s historic drought. As this drought deepens and worsens and fears rise, it’s important to know that another country faced a very similar threat: Australia endured a devastating 12-year drought from 1997 – 2010. Because they have similar climate, and…

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Make No Mistake: Concrete is the Enemy

Statement from Andy Lipkis, Founder and President of TreePeople, calls on Angelenos to rip out concrete and plant trees to capture what rainfall LA gets. LOS ANGELES, Calif.– TreePeople heard fighting words when news reports showed an anti-tree group calling themselves “Save Our Concrete” holding a protest at a downtown Los Angeles parking lot earlier today….

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Trees In the City Make Us Safer, Happier, and Healthier

Trees are often touted for providing shade, cleaning our air and capturing the rain, but did you know trees also are living anti-depressants? Recent studies show that trees make city-dwellers happier, healthier and more connected to their communities. Just a few of the reasons you should hug a tree today. The Mind-Body-Tree Connection  Now that more than…

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Cómo Colocar la Pedacería Orgánica (Mulch)

La gente necesita árboles y los árboles necesitan la gente. Una vez que el árbol esta sembrado, todavía necesita su ayuda para crecer fuerte y sano. Cubriendo el área alrededor del árbol con un grueso manto de abono (rallado o corturas de madera) ayuda crear un ambiente saludable en la tierra, que es vital para…

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School and Community Rally to Replace Playground Asphalt with 30 New Shade Trees

On Saturday, March 14, 20th Street Elementary School’s campus, located just south of downtown Los Angeles’ Fashion District, was transformed. Over 100 volunteers, TreePeople staff and partners came together and planted 30 Raywood Ash, Australian Willow and Crape Myrtle trees on a formerly bleak asphalt schoolyard. Despite the heat, the day was electric with excitement for the…

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