How to Take Charge of Your Water Supply and Harvest the Rain

Would it sound crazy if we said you’re taking showers, flushing your toilet and watering your lawn with Evian water? Pretty much. But Angelenos use about half of all their drinking-quality water for landscaping (!), 20% to flush their toilets and a whopping 18% for showering—If not exactly Evian brand, it’s water that could be…

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How to Give and Get

TreePeople is kicking off 2015 by offering new perks to our most dedicated volunteers. Whether you’ve only volunteered with us once, or if you’re a seasoned veteran, we want to recognize the important work you do to make LA a green, livable city. This year, if you attend five or more volunteer events we’ll award…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Wendy Hagan

TreePeople fosters relationships—with the Earth, our cities and with each other, no matter our ages or backgrounds. It’s this multi-generational value that forges lasting bonds and a passion to cherish and protect the environment. Enter Wendy Hagan, a local science teacher at Granada Hills Charter High School. Her story dates back years ago. A native…

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Concrete and Mulch: Industrial Downtown gets the Green Treatment

Skid Row and its surrounding communities often are labeled with associations of sprawling concrete and warehouses, rampant homelessness, drug use and destitution. Though green spaces and trees aren’t a big part of the landscape (yet), this neighborhood is a vibrant corner of the city that offers a place to begin again to its residents who…

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Sending Our Stellar 2014 Volunteers a Big ‘Thank You!’

The third year of drought caused dramatic effects pushing TreePeople staff and volunteers into high gear in 2014. Though it was challenging, the drought gave us the opportunity to implement new programs like the Irricades. We also adapted existing programs, like our drought response park tree care events, to best counter the effects of the dry conditions on trees…

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Reimagining California’s Water Infrastructure

The UCLA Anderson Economic Forecast brings business and water leaders together to consider the implications for the city’s water supply in light of the drought and projected long-term water shortages. I’ve been invited to share an emerging approach that with investment, could help not only with the immediate drought, but create a substantial part of our long-term water supply….

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Felipe Fuentes and TreePeople bring sustainability to the people

Empowering communities to practice sustainability in their own backyard is a cornerstone of TreePeople’s values. So in the spirit of celebrating our roots this month, we partnered with L.A. City Councilmember Felipe Fuentes for #SustainableSaturday at Pacoima City Hall where we hosted a free rainwater harvesting workshop for San Fernando Valley residents. Twenty-five locals attended…

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Forest Aid Volunteer Helps Care for 5,000th Tree in Face of Drought

Thanks to the help of our Forestry team and dedicated Forest Aid volunteers, TreePeople has cared for more than 5,000 trees this year! Despite facing a crippling drought, our forest restoration projects pressed on. Unfortunately, the drought prevented our team and volunteer community to plant new trees in the forest this year, but we didn’t let that slow us…

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If I Had a (Sledge) Hammer

Breaking up the pavement around your home and in your community is pretty easy, but aside from having a good excuse to use a sledgehammer, why would you want to?  The simple answer is that the more permeability we are able to create in our yards and urban environment, the healthier the watershed. When water…

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The Future Is In Our Hands, Harvest Moon 2014

The Future is in Our Hands, Harvest Moon 2014 Nearly two weeks have gone by and people are still talking about TreePeople’s annual gala An Evening Under the Harvest Moon. Thanks to all our donors and sponsors along with all those behind the scenes who helped in making it an exceptional night! There was a…

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We Can Do It!

A recent story on NPR noted an environmental change for the better: the ozone layer is on the mend. Which, if you are worried about skin cancer, climate change and the like, is great news – and history in the making! So how did this happen? First, people heard a hard truth: that chlorofluorocarbons –…

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