TreePeople’s Generation Earth program challenges students to show LA County how we can alleviate the effects of stormwater pollution in our community! Students must invent or discover a stormwater pollution prevention hack (an easily accessible and affordable solution) to keep clean, help conserve, or recycle water, and then share the hack with their school.

Sign Up Form a Challenge Team with at least five student leaders, an adult supervisor and be sure to email Generation Earth at to receive your application packet.
Investigate Your Campus Watershed Using a campus map complete a Watershed Audit to survey and identify how water flows across your campus, and where potential pollution and waste areas offer opportunities to clean, capture, or reuse water.
Turn Trouble Into Innovation Invent your stormwater prevention pollution hack! Then get the word out to the campus or local community. Try using infographics, videos, posters, flash mobs, plays or #hacktivism – whatever it takes to share the message!
Submit Your Campaign Show us you took the challenge! Make a working model of your stormwater pollution prevention hack for testing and demonstration, document your solution and your outreach campaign in action and submit your materials to Generation Earth.
Watershed Hack Submissions Due by May 1, 2015.

Top teams will be contacted by May 8th and invited to a recognition ceremony at Walt Disney Studios to present their projects for a chance to be awarded the grand prize: a field trip to the Floating Lab in Long Beach Harbor.
For questions, comments, applications, and submissions, please contact Edward Murphy, our Stormwater Specialist at!