On a typical hot, smoggy Los Angeles school day, hundreds of children at South L.A. schools no longer have to broil in unshaded asphalt-covered school yards. Through TreePeople’s School Greening Initiative, South L.A. parents are being trained and supported to transform their children’s campuses into shadier, leafier, cooler—even food-producing—places to learn and play. In early…
Visit L.A.’s first Tree Campus USA, December 16
December 6, 2012Did you know the male gingko tree sprouts smelly fruit? Learn all about it and much more on our next Branching Out Community Tree Walk, as we comb the grounds of Los Angeles Valley College—the first college or university in the Los Angeles area to be recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree…
Hook Your Community Greening Project Up with an Expert Volunteer Leader at TreePeople, December 15
December 5, 2012Launching a community greening project but don’t know how to start? Looking for help with a plan that’s ready but needs guidance? Join us for breakfast at TreePeople’s hilltop headquarters on December 15 to get connected with a Citizen Arborist who can help make sure your project succeeds. Citizen Arborists are highly trained, volunteer leaders…
Five Chances to Roll Up Your Sleeves for Trees, December 8
December 4, 2012December 8 is a great day to volunteer! TreePeople invites you to pick your favorite among five rewarding opportunities to pitch in and make Los Angeles a greener city. If you feel ready for advanced tree care, join us at a school campus in Westchester to prune semi-mature trees. Coming from points north and east?…
Vote for a documentary to make you fall in love with nature
November 30, 2012Our founder Andy Lipkis is an expert in the extraordinary film Love Thy Nature and we’d like you to join TreePeople in helping the Director Sylvie Rokab take it to completion. She launched a Kickstarter campaign (to raise finishing funds) where you’ll see a short video and info about the film. Watch trailer here Not…
Help restore the Angeles National Forest as a volunteer leader
November 27, 2012TreePeople and the US Forest Service are gearing up for our third season restoring areas within the Angeles National Forest that were devastated by the historic Station Fire of 2009. This is one of the largest volunteer efforts on National Forest land in the United States, and you can help by learning to supervise and…
Give a gift that will grow this holiday season with a TreePeople tree dedication
November 20, 2012Dedicating a tree – or grove of trees – that will be planted by TreePeople in the Los Angeles area mountains and parklands is a meaningful gift this holiday season. TreePeople renews the urban landscape through the life-giving power of trees. The gift of a tree dedication expresses your esteem AND helps restore our local…
Would you eat your landscape?
November 20, 2012As we near the Thanksgiving holidays, maybe you’re thinking about fall harvests. But if the land around your house is covered in lawn, consider this: traditional turf uses the same amount of water as vegetable gardens. If you’re going to grow something that uses that much water, maybe you should be able to recoup some…
Acorns for Thanksgiving dinner?
November 15, 2012Back before pilgrims and celebrations of food and football, at least 12 native California tribes depended on the acorns of coast live oaks and considered them a staple. Beyond nourishing humans, California oaks are considered a keystone species, meaning that many other animals and plants depend on them and grow in relationship to them. There…
November 14, 2012Did you know unfiltered storm water runoff is the number one pollutant in our coastal waters? And in one inch of rainfall, that parched Los Angeles throws away 7.6 BILLION gallons of water into the storm drains? On Saturday, November 17 at 4 PM join me at the DIY stage at the Green Festival where…
November 14, 2012Could you tell a Leptospermum laevigatum from a Ficus macrophylla? One is familiarly known as a Moreton Bay fig. Still blanking? On Sunday, November 18, join TreePeople’s free Branching Out community tree walk in historic Palisades Park in Santa Monica to develop your “tree vision” and see your neighborhood’s urban forest through a whole new…
Take A Water Quality Quiz
November 9, 2012October 18th was the 40th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Did you miss it? Not me, I was celebrating with a couple of salt water taffies and my little kiddos. Since our family lives near the ocean, I am thankful every time we go to the beach and don’t come back with some really…