Trees In the City Make Us Safer, Happier, and Healthier

Trees are often touted for providing shade, cleaning our air and capturing the rain, but did you know trees also are living anti-depressants? Recent studies show that trees make city-dwellers happier, healthier and more connected to their communities. Just a few of the reasons you should hug a tree today. The Mind-Body-Tree Connection  Now that more than…

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Happy World Water Day, LA – There’s Hope Yet

Water scarcity is certainly a worldwide issue, but we in LA know the seriousness of it. Did you know that California has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs? The good news is that our city is getting serious about creating a local, reliable water supply – and TreePeople is helping…

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I Am TreePeople: Tim Douglass

TreePeople has a legacy of inspiring activism, but it’s the stories of our volunteers that inspire us to keep coming together to build a sustainable future. Meet Tim Douglass, a TreePeople volunteer and Mountain Forestry Supervisor.   “We only have one environment and we have a responsibility to take care of it.” Tim got involved with TreePeople…

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TreePeople’s Fruit Tree Distributions Bring Food & Shade to LA Communities

More than 250 volunteers joined TreePeople to distribute nearly 2,000 trees to Angelenos from Inglewood, Huntington Park, Pacoima, and Watts during this year’s Fruit Tree Distribution Festivals. The events attracted a variety of volunteers, from local community members to groups, businesses and government representatives. This year the Laker Girls were on hand to help sort…

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New LA Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance Takes Its First Steps at TreePeople Center

TreePeople has always imagined our conference center here at Coldwater Canyon Park as a space that fosters important conversations around sustainability. Over the years, it has held a host of events including a State Assembly Committee hearing, collaborative discussions on infrastructure, to name a couple. Last Saturday’s event, the kick-off forum for the Neighborhood Council…

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Boys and Girls Club Youth Care for Local Park Trees

Engaging youth is a cornerstone of TreePeople’s values, dating back to when our founder Andy Lipkis started replanting forests at just 15 years old. In the spirit of our roots, we offered a group of teens from a local Boys and Girls Club a series of workshops leading up to a tree care event in…

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KCET SoCal Connected: Capturing Rainwater One Rain Barrel at a Time

Last month during the height of the scant LA rainfall, KCET SoCal Connected’s Val Zavala interviewed our Founder and President, Andy Lipkis on the importance of capturing every drop that falls to wean our city off imported water and strengthen our local water supply.  Read on for the full story and be sure to watch…

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4 Ways to Spread the Tree-Love on Valentine’s Day

No matter if you’re celebrating “Single’s Awareness Day,” or if you’re spending the day with your sweetie, TreePeople has your tree-love needs covered! Get Some Fresh Air: Take a Trip to Los Feliz for a Park Tree Planting!   In honor of St. Valentine, we’re spreading the love in the heart of LA at a…

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I Am TreePeople: Maya Alarcon

I Am TreePeople: Maya Alarcon  TreePeople has a legacy of mobilizing communities. But it’s the stories of the people at the roots of our work that inspire us every day to keep greening our city for generations to come. Meet Maya Alarcon, a TreePeople volunteer and the first in the lineup for our story series,…

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Where did 356 sq ft of Asphalt go at El Dorado Elementary School?

Across two weekends last month, more than 200 volunteers, kids, parents, teachers and TreePeople staff gathered to put 46 trees in the ground at El Dorado Elementary School in Sylmar, deep in the San Fernando Valley. Volunteers watch a tree planting demonstration at El Dorado Elementary School. We primed the location ahead of the big…

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3 Things You Can Do with TreePeople to Cool LA

If you’re reading this, it’s likely you know that climate change is humanity’s most urgent challenge. And you likely have an inkling that TreePeople has some viable solutions to offer. You’re correct. With the announcement that 2014 was the Earth’s hottest year in recorded history, it’s clearer than ever that we must get planting, and…

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California ReLeaf: Real Conversations About Working Within Disadvantaged Communities

Working with low-income communities on pathways to sustainability has been a cornerstone of TreePeople’s work for decades. Here, our Director of Forestry, Rachel Malarich shares some of her hard-won insights in this important conversation linking the success of urban forestry to building strong relationships inside underserved populations. Read on for the full story from California…

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