We love to sing the praises of our friends the trees, but we often forget about the critical resource right under our feet: the soil. Trees and other plants need healthy soil to thrive, but the scope of soil benefits go beyond planting. Soil influences the life spans of our roads and highways. Healthy soil is the…
Cómo Regar un Árbol
May 1, 2015¿Sabe lo que se necesita para cuidar árboles en la ciudad? Arboles urbanos no sobreviven cuando reciben demasiado o poca agua. Mire este video para aprender la manera correcta de regar un árbol joven para que crezca para darnos los regalos de belleza, sombra y aire limpio. Desea darle a su hogar el tratamiento verde?…
10 Native Plants To Up Your Home’s Sustainability
April 30, 2015It’s planting season! Is your green thumb itching? If your landscaping could use a drought-smart update, now’s a great time to put new roots in the ground. Our Certified Arborist Linda Eremita shares her favorite native, drought-tolerant, and sun loving plants, each of which is resilient in LA’s hot, dry summers. Saint Catherine‘s Lace…
TreePeople Statement On Governor Jerry Brown’s Executive Order Setting Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets
April 29, 2015TREEPEOPLE STATEMENT ON GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN’S BREAKING EXECUTIVE ORDER SETTING GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION TARGETS LOS ANGELES, Calif.— Today Governor Jerry Brown signed an Executive Order calling for a greenhouse gas emissions target of 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. TreePeople applauds this move as it makes way for California to stay on track to reach…
LA Psychiatrist Prescribes A Walk Among His 120 Trees
April 27, 2015Trees and people are inextricably linked, and our mutual relationship has the power to heal and create change. Meet a local Angeleno who walks this talk. Dr. David May, a psychiatrist and TreePeople neighbor, has been busy linking trees and people since he first happened upon our nursery and met our resident Arborist Linda Eremita…
Don’t Let LA’s Trees Become Casualties of the Drought
April 24, 2015An Urgent Arbor Day Message from TreePeople Founder and President, Andy Lipkis As I drive through LA this beautiful spring my heart is breaking. In every street, in every block, I see trees in decline. This is a quiet crisis, and it’s accelerating. Earlier this month I sat in a presentation by the Urban Forester…
How This LA Couple Replaced Their Lawn with Drought Tolerant Plants & Mulch
April 16, 2015Husband and wife Mark Rinaldi and Debbie Imsland have long been interested in sustainability. At home, they were conscientious about conserving water, taking care not to water the lawn too often or stay in the shower too long. But it wasn’t until Debbie attended one of our Rainwater Harvesting Workshops that they considered making some…
Forbes: Why Does California Let Billions Of Gallons Of Fresh Water Flow Straight Into The Ocean?
April 15, 2015LA has the capability to truly be livable, resilient and water-secure if we work together, and TreePeople is proud to partner with the people to make this vision a reality. We can adapt in the face of our changing climate, but we must support enabling policies while also being change makers in our own homes. Read…
4 Ways To Care for LA Trees This Earth Month
April 15, 2015Happy Earth Month, fellow tree people! A greener LA is always on our mind, but this month especially we’re thinking about the love we give to our urban forest. Climate change and a record drought mean that trees are stressed, and keeping LA green and sustainable is more important than ever. We rely on volunteers…
I Am TreePeople: Merrill Koss
April 14, 2015It’s not every day someone joins us and instantly connects with our staff and community, but when they do, we take notice! Meet Merrill Koss, this month’s featured volunteer. Discovering TreePeople Merrill started volunteering with us in November 2014, after discovering one of our flyers in one of his favorite places to hike: Coldwater Canyon…
Students: Invent A Stormwater Pollution Hack for a Chance to Visit the Long Beach Floating Labs!
April 9, 2015TreePeople’s Generation Earth program challenges students to show LA County how we can alleviate the effects of stormwater pollution in our community! Students must invent or discover a stormwater pollution prevention hack (an easily accessible and affordable solution) to keep clean, help conserve, or recycle water, and then share the hack with their school. …
Mayor Eric Garcetti Unveils Comprehensive Sustainability pLAn for City of LA
April 8, 2015This month, Mayor Eric Garcetti proposed a comprehensive, multifaceted sustainability plan for the City of Los Angeles. The plan (pLAn) includes a wide span of measurable actions the City hopes to reach by 2035 with a special focus on the environment with an emphasis on water, solar energy, carbon and climate change leadership and waste;…