Call to Action! Allocate $1B for School Greening in the Proposed Education Bond

No child dreams of playing on scorching hot asphalt. And yet, more than 2.5 million K-12 students in California attend schools with less than 5% tree canopy in their play areas. Not only do green schoolyards enrich learning outcomes and improve mental health, they also provide life saving shade for our students and teachers. 

We are asking YOU to take action now to assure that we can continue making schools across California safer, cooler, and more climate resilient.

Why now?

Californians are facing a state budget deficit of $56 billion over the next two fiscal years, and current state School Greening program funds are depleted. 

An Education Bond for the November ballot is in development as you read this. This is the moment to take action to ensure essential green schoolyard funding isn’t left out.

What is a bond anyway? For a quick refresher, check out this explainer.

What can you do?

Call Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, author of the proposed school infrastructure bond likely to show up on our November ballot, and urge him to allocate $1 billion for Green Schoolyards in the final education bond. 

Please feel free to adjust the suggested language below to your own words. The more personal experience you can share about  your own school community and why School Greening is important to you, the better! 

Assemblymember Muratsuchi can be reached at his

Capitol Office (916) 319-2066

Or District Office (310) 375-0691.

Call Script:

I am calling to urge Representative Muratsuchi to include $1 billion for green schoolyards in the final education bond. 

Optional Additional Text for Call:

Too many LA students play on hot, barren asphalt lots without access to cooling grass, shade, and trees. These things aren’t just nice-to-have. They protect our students from extreme heat and flooding and improve academic success, mental, and physical health.

This is a chance for Representative Muratsuchi to invest in improved quality of life and public health for our kids and teachers at school – where they spend 30% or more of their waking hours.

I hope Assemblymember Muratsuchi will act to ensure all students have a safer, greener future by including $1 Billion for Green Schoolyards in the School Infrastructure Bond.

This is our opportunity to be ambitious and fund the healthy learning environments our kids and teachers deserve.