The Cold Creek Preserve, located in the central Santa Monica Mountains, features some of the most intact native habitats in the region. With minimal development, a freshwater wetland spring, and decades of protection by TreePeople Land Trust and our partners, the watershed is a premier location for students to experience the natural environment of LA. A pesky pandemic has prevented us from sharing this incredible location, however, we are thrilled to announce that through a special grant, we are able to bring students from the San Fernando Valley, specifically from areas that don’t have outdoor access, to learn about and enjoy this beautiful outdoor space.
Thanks to a Whale’s Tail Grant from the California Coastal Commission, our team is developing a curriculum that starts with our upper watersheds and takes students on a journey through our streams and mountains, and follows these watercourses all the way down to the coast. Participants will enjoy scenic hikes along our trails and directly engage with the environment by participating in revegetation projects that restore native habitat and improve water quality for the region. All this will culminate in a recreational trip to the beach that’s not only fun, but will show students the full story of their local water cycle.