TreePeople and Generation Earth are hosting two challenges for Los Angeles County school students from grades 6-12: Recycle to Win and Streets to the Sea!
Remember, YOU CAN JOIN EITHER AT ANY TIME as long as you finish your project(s) by March 1, 2019, so please get involved!
Recycle to Win is a battle of the schools to improve their campus recycling programs. All you have to do is collect and record recyclables for at least 2 weeks in a row! More info below!
Streets to the Sea is a challenge to share a water-wise solution within your community! Students must form a team, perform a campus water audit, identify a water issue, and create and implement an educational campaign. The top 10 schools will move to a final round at Disney Synergy lab to receive an award and 2 first place winners will win a field trip to the Floating Laboratory in Long Beach! More info below!