Prime Time for Rainwater Harvest

Are you considering starting a rainwater harvest project on your property, but not sure where to start? Our FREE workshops are for you! Take it from Sophia, one of our recent workshop attendees!

How did you hear about TreePeople?

When I moved to the Hollywood Hills, I found myself shocked by the user-unfriendly traffic in the region I needed to find sanctuary since the Pacific Ocean and its beaches were no longer accessible. Exploring canyons became my favorite pastime and, because of the convenient TreePeople parking lot on Mulholland, that location is at the top of my hiking-haven list. Also, it was been a pleasure watching TreePeople work with students, volunteers and, more importantly, watching the transformation of the TreePeople’s headquarters. It is quite impressive. 

Would you consider yourself an environmentalist?

I do not consider myself to be an environmentalist. However, as a citizen of Planet Earth, I feel compelled to do what I can, within my means, to make our world a better place to live. I believe in supporting TreePeople because nature’s good health allows us to thrive in healthy habitats.18144985178_7dd4086702_k

What compelled you to take our Rainwater Harvesting workshop?

I’m always interested in helping my real estate clients with resources that will add value to their property, or, to offer solutions for  a more affordable and enjoyable lifestyle. In regards to Rainwater Harvesting, I had never heard of it and was intrigued by how it might help owners of large lots in fire hazard areas. 

What was the biggest takeaway, or the most significant thing you learned at the workshop?

For starters, I’m looking forward to future TreePeople courses, and greatly appreciated the printed material we were given in the Rain Harvesting class. The instructions will assist in mapping out a highly functional landscape design. Water flow and water capture are of the utmost importance and I am fascinated by the options available for gardens and yards that are artistically captivating. Furthermore, I will not forget the importance of healthy soil which is necessary for soaking up water efficiently and effectively to prevent wasteful runoff. 

I’ve had the pleasure of sharing what I learned in the Rain Harvesting class via my website blog, emails and conversations. I have been thanked for the awareness of possibilities and opportunities, as well as, delighted to learn who has already implemented the tools, such as, rain barrels, rain gardens, rain chains and native plants, or, at the very least, are currently drawing up plans, calculating costs and researching rebate assistance!


How would you like to see Angelenos change their practices to create a better Los Angeles?

Making Los Angeles a better place to live and thrive begins with awareness. Residents need to have a desire to learn, know, understand, practice, apply, and innovate as they inspire others to do the same. TreePeople is a wonderful catalyst urging citizens to create or transform landscapes into highly functional oases of nature–no matter how great or small.

Don’t miss out! Our next round of Green City Workshops are coming up on November 7th. Click here to see a full calendar listing. 

By Erika Abdelatif

Erika Abdelatif is TreePeople’s Social Media and Digital Content Manager. When she isn't creating a climate-resilient LA via the Facebook, she's probably writing in a coffee shop, infesting the internet with memes, or watching an open mic.